Statutory Declaration under the RTI act 2005
Right to Information Act, which came in 2005, is instituted by the Parliament of India to protect and practically implement the rights of citizens to gather information from governmental bodies.
Grace Valley College of Arts and Science, Maravattam, Chengotoor P O, is affiliated with the University of Calicut. The college follows all the rules and regulations of the Higher Education Department, Department of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala and University of Calicut from time to time.
All financial transactions of the college are subject to internal and statutory Audit by the qualified firm of external Charted Accountants. The college has different Bodies/Committees /Cells to maintain all types of disciplines and compliances on the campus.
All the cells and committees of the college are under Statutory Bodies constituted and come under the purview of section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act 2005.
Any Indian Citizen who wishes to have any information on anything related to the college may submit an application under the RTI Act along with a postal order/demand draft for Rs 10.00 obtained in favour of the Principal, Grace Valley College of Arts and Science, Maravattam to the Public Information Officer (PIO) or hand over in college office during working hours. All information about the college under Section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005 is open to the public.
Our website is www.gracevalleycollege.ac.inNames, Designations and other particulars of Public Information Officers
Appellate Authority : Dr. Ayoob CP
Principal,Grace Valley College of Arts and Science, Maravattam
Phone : 9447108960
Email : principal@gracevalleycollege.ac.in
Information Officer : Abdul Noor
Office Superintendent,Grace Valley College of Arts and Science, Maravattam
Phone : 7293925160
Email : abduinoor@gracevalleycollege.ac.in
Assistant Information Officer : Jamaludheen.T
Accountant,Grace Valley College of Arts and Science, Maravattam
Phone : 9562329238
Email : jamaludheen@gracevalleycollege.ac.in