Rules And Regulations
U.G Courses/PG Course
Except for management and sports quotas, applications for U.G and P.G admissions are submitted through the centralised online platform of the University of Calicut. Candidates who have passed Plus Two or equivalent examination recognized by the University of Calicut are eligible for Degree admission and candidates who have passed degree or equivalent examination recognized by University of Calicut are eligible for PG admission. Those who seek admission in management/sports quotas should submit separate applications with supporting documents.
Collections of Fees
- The tuition fee will be collected twice in a year.
- The special fee, caution deposit etc. should be paid along with the first installment of tuition fee on the day of admission. Students of senior classes should remit the same within seven days from the re-opening of the college.
Fee structure
UG Programmes
No | Programme |
Fee per |
Caution |
1 | BSc. Psychology | 12600 | 1000 |
2 | BSc. Physics | 12600 | 1000 |
3 | BSc. Chemistry | 12600 | 1000 |
4 | BCom. CA | 12600 | 1000 |
5 | BCom, finance | 10080 | 500 |
6 | BBA | 10080 | 500 |
7 | BCA | 21000 | 1000 |
8 | BA English | 10080 | 500 |
9 | BA Economics | 10080 | 500 |
10 | BCom. Co-operation * | 12600 | 1000 |
11 | BSc. Computer Science * | 21000 | 1000 |
PG Programmes
No | Programme |
Fee per |
Caution |
1 | MSc. Physics | 25200 | 1000 |
2 | MSc. Chemistry | 25200 | 1000 |
Transfer Certificate
- Application for Transfer Certificate should be made in the prescribed form at least two days in advance.
- Conduct Certificate will be issued only along with the Transfer Certificate when the student has completed the course.
- Duplicate TC will be issued only on the production of an affidavit signed before a Judicial Magistrate of First Class
Attendance and Leave
- Attendance shall be marked at the beginning of each lecture hour, practical and tutorials.
- Students should neither leave the classroom nor come late without the permission of the concerned teacher.
- Students absent themselves without leave permission for more than 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal in which case they will have to pay the readmission fee and fee due before they are readmitted.
- Application to condone the shortage of attendance should be accompanied by an explanatory statement of absence for each day. If absence is on account of ill-health and exceeds five working days at a time, leave application signed by the parent along with a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner should be furnished immediately on attending regular classes.
- In no case will exemption be granted by the University if the shortage of attendance exceeds 23 days. Exemption will be granted only once during the period of a course.
- No application for exemption will be recommended by the Principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to causes beyond the control of the students.
- No student shall absent himself/herself from a class without leave.
- A student who is availing the leave should obtain prior permission from the Principal/Head of the Department (through the Class Advisor) in all the possible cases. If it is not done, he/she should submit the leave application to the class advisor on the very next day of the date of leave. No other leave application will be entertained.
- Benefits of leave may be granted only to students who attend the approved activities of the College.
- The maximum leave that can be sanctioned to students who are participating for various extra-curricular activities is restricted to the norms prescribed by the University and the College Council from time to time.
- Teachers in charge of the extra-curricular activities should give the class wise list of selected students to the Principal soon after the selection procedure is completed. The Principal will give a copy of the same to all the HoDs. This will give an understanding to the department about their students who are selected for various extracurricular activities.
- Each department will be given a separate Movement Register/ File to mark students' special leaves.
- Details of leave sanctioned/availed should be entered in the Register/File either prior to or immediately on the very next working day of the leave. Requests for leave will not be considered after this time limit.
- Class Advisor shall put his/her signature in the Register/ Request as a token of his/her approval and has to file the copy of the certificate produced.
- The Head of the Department will validate the leave by placing his/ her signature in the Movement Register/File.
- Principal will countersign the Leave Register/File once in every month.
- Principal will be given his assent to collect the Register/File in each month from the departments. The Register will be collected from the departments and students' attendance will be updated in the TCS software based on the details given in the Register by the end of every month. This attendance should be used for providing internal marks to students at the end of each semester.
- Attendance will be given only to candidates during student union election for election campaigning.
- The Class Advisor will intimate the student when leave quota is exhausted. Students are not eligible to avail leave beyond this prescribed limit for extracurricular activities.
- Aggregate attendance shall be considered to determine the eligibility to attend the end semester examination and to calculate internal marks.
Test Papers and APC
- Students who fail to attend Terminal Exam, Internal Exam and Class Tests without proper reason and those who are found engaged in malpractices in the exams will be removed from the roll and will not be allowed to attend university examinations.
- As per the university order, the distribution of marks for the or internal assessment will be based on the performance in the Unit Tests, Terminal Examinations, class room assessments, seminars, attendance etc.
- APC (Attendance, Progress and Conduct) certificate issued by the Principal is necessary to appear for the university examinations.
APC of the students on whom disciplinary actions have been taken will not be sent to the university and thereby they will be disqualified for the university exams as per the university norms.
Misconduct and Disciplinary Action
- Students are bound to obey the directions issued from time to time by the Principal, teachers and the authorities. Disobedience to such directions would amount to serious misconduct.
- Any student who is found to have conducted himself/herself in any indecent or disorderly manner inside or outside the classroom or in the college premises is liable to be punished every as deemed fit by the Principal.
- A teacher may send a student out of the class if the student misbehaves in the class. If any student is sent out of the class, both the teacher and the student shall report the matter to the Principal.
- The Principal shall have the power to inflict punishments such as imposing fine, cancellation of attendance, withholding the term certificate, forfeiting educational concession and scholarship, suspension, compulsory issue of TC without the application from the student or guardian and expulsion from the college.
Issue of Certificates
- Application for any certificate should be made at least two days in advance.
- Course and conduct certificates are ordinarily issued only with TC when the student leaves the college after the completion of the course.
- A late fee will be collected from those who apply for TC after one year of his/her leaving the college.
- No certificate will be issued from the college unless the Principal is satisfied with the reasons stated by the applicant for such certificates.
- A student applying for any certificate from the college, must have cleared all his/her dues to the college.
- The qualifying certificate submitted by the student will be returned along with their Transfer and Conduct certificates after the completion of their courses.
- Qualifying certificates and other testimonials have to be claimed at least within six months after leaving the college. The college will not be responsible for any damage or loss of certificates left unclaimed by student indefinitely.
- For acts of misbehaviour, the Principal may impose such punishments as fines, cancellation of attendance, withholding of terms certificate, forfeiture of educational concession and scholarship, suspension and expulsion.
Disciplinary Rules
Students are instructed to strictly follow the disciplinary rules of the college. Ignorance of rules is not an excuse. Students are expected to read the notice board on a day to day basis. It is the duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college and conduct himself/herself with decency and decorum. Violation of the rules will result in disciplinary action against the offenders and imposition of punishment including dismissal.
Campus Discipline
- Students must observe strict discipline in the campus, and behave properly to the principal, faculty members, office staff, fellow students and visitors.
- No student shall use or keep in possession alcoholic drinks, sd liv drugs, cigarettes or similar intoxicants in the campus.
Identity Cards
All students admitted to the college shall compulsorily wear their identity cards whenever they are present in the college campus. All payments, issue of certificates, mark lists etc., will be made only on production of the identity card. The identity card shall be surrendered to the office at the time of claiming the refund of caution deposit or issuing of Transfer Certificate/Qualifying Certificate whichever is earlier. Identity Card is valid till the completion of the course of study.
Mobile Phone
Use of mobile phones by the students inside the campus is strictly restricted. Violating this rule will be met with disciplinary action. Mobile phones which are brought and used by the students against the policy framed by the College Council from time to time will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. The college has instituted a committee to strictly monitor the High Court order regarding the use of mobile phones.
Dress Code
Students should wear decent dress on all days. Dhoti will not be permitted in the campus. Students entering the campus in special dress code for functions or ceremonies is also prohibited. Sleeveless, round neck T shirts and those with pictures and slogans are not allowed in the campus.
Outsiders Not Permitted
Outsiders are not permitted to meet any of the staff or students in the college campus without the permission of the principal. Students shall not bring any outsiders except the parents/guardians to the college for any purpose whatsoever without the permission of the principal.
Ragging: A Serious Criminal Offence
Honourable Supreme Court has made it clear that ragging in any forms should be sternly and effectively prevented. Whenever a criminal offence is committed in the name of ragging, whether within the campus of an educational institution or in a hostel or otherwise, the Principal/Warden will report the nearest Police Station and not wait until a complaint in this regard is received from the person affected. Appropriate disciplinary action will also be taken against the culprits. The Government & Supreme Court made it clear that any lapse in this regard will be seriously viewed. It will be the personal responsibility of the officer in-charge of the institution to strictly enforce these rules.
General Rules
- Unofficial meetings, strikes and fund collection are strictly ent to prohibited.
- Political organisations are not allowed to enter the campus. Students are strictly prohibited from organising, attending or participating in any activity or agitation without prior permission from the Principal.
- The college being a centre of learning and an exclusive academic zone, nobody should respond to any call for any form of strike or agitation including slogan shouting, dharna or any other activity which may harm the peaceful atmosphere of the institution.
- They shall not post notices or display posters anywhere in the
- Students' Union activities should be supervised by a committee chaired by the Head of the Institution with Staff Advisor as Convenor, and HoDs and Discipline Committee members.
- No type of vehicle should be used during celebrations inside the campus.
- Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti- national, anti-social, communal and immoral activities.
- Students who are charged in criminal offence or those who are under suspension will not be allowed to enter the college campus without the permission of the principal.
- Any student who is persistently insubordinate, repeatedly mischievous, guilty of fraud or malpractice in connection with the examinations will be removed from the rolls.
- The students are directed to uphold moral and ethical values of our society while they are inside and outside the college campus.
Parking Regulations
Students are not allowed to bring vehicles inside the campus. But permission is granted to students on certain conditions. They have to avail a parking permit in advance and park the vehicle at the allotted place at their own risk according to the direction given by the security staff. Violation of the parking regulations will be considered as a serious act of indiscipline.
- Special parking permits will be issued to the disabled. They can park at the designated areas specified to them. This permit is not transferable from person-to-person or from vehicle-to-vehicle.
- No vehicle shall ever park in such a manner as to block or obstruct another vehicle, front gate, walkway, doorway, or driveway, at any time for any reason.
- The operation of any motorized or non-motorized vehicle, including roller skates/blades and bicycles, are prohibited in the college buildings and verandas.
- Motorcycles and bicycles shall park only in areas designated as "Two Wheelers Only". They shall not park in areas or spaces intended for other vehicles. No vehicle shall park in any area not specifically designated for parking.
- No vehicle shall park in any designated "No Parking" area.
- All vehicles shall be parked completely within the designated space. Vehicles shall not be parked stretching to more than one designated space.
- Vehicles remaining on campus property for more than twenty- four (24) hours will be considered abandoned and will be reported to the police by the authorities.
- Vehicles or motorcycles shall not be parked on campus overnight without prior approval of the Principal.
- No person or organization shall distribute posters or leave any leaflet, advertisement, literature or other printed material on any vehicle parked or driven inside the campus.
Laboratory Rules
The following are the general rules to be followed in the Computer, Biosciences and Language labs:
- Students should involve in the lab work in the most disciplined fashion. They should realize that lab hours are the stepping stones to an intimate understanding of the subject and future research.
- Students should maintain silence and cleanliness inside the lab.
- All equipments should be handled with care and utmost responsibility
- No equipment should be displaced from its original position and but order.
- Strict action will be taken if any article is stolen from the lab.
- If any equipment or apparatus is broken out of carelessness, the student responsible will have to pay fine.
- Students should sign the log book at the commencement of the lab hour.
Student Support Services
Students Aid Fund (SAF)
For helping needy and financially backward students, a general fund is raised from staff and students in the form of donation. Selected students will get financial assistance from SAF.
Coordinator: Ms.Muhasina AP (Dept of Management Studies)
Tutorial System
The tutorial system is designed to help the intellectually disadvantaged students who need extra help and guidance to keep themselves abreast of other classmates. Special evening remedial hours are handled by teachers on a structured basis.
Advisory System
Advisory Scheme
An Advisory Committee is formed with the Principal as Chairperson and three other members including advisors to review the implementation of various schemes and programmes for the betterment of the academic ambience. It includes programmes like Advanced Learners (Principal's Club). The committee is committed to identifying students who need special assistance in their acadamics. It also extends its care to other related activities undertaken by the college as well as implementation of reservation policy in admission and recruitment for SC, ST, PH, OBC (non-creamy layer) and others, if any. The committee holds its meeting at least once in every month, and actions taken on decisions are reviewed in the subsequent meetings.
Duties of the advisor in the college
- Oversee/monitor various welfare schemes/programmes sponsored by the Government of India/State Government/ UGC or any agency/organization as well as those devised by the college/affiliating university for the disadvantaged groups for their effective implementation
- Be responsible for the effective functioning of SC/ST Cell and other such Cells/Centres dealing with the problems of different socially disadvantaged groups.
- Convene the meetings of in charge of other Committees/ Programmes dealing with social issues such as Gender Sensitization Committee against Sexual Harassment (GSCASH), National Service Schemes (NSS) etc., to review their activities.
- The Advisor shall submit the progress/review report to the Principal. The Coordinators of SC/ST Cell, Remedial Coaching and other schemes/Women's Study Centre, Population Education Cell etc. shall be closely associated with the Equal Opportunity Centre.